Goa a transite hier via Phuket apres une belle route dans la jungle tropicale depuis Ranong. Cette ile est immense, l'arrivee par un pont au-dessus d'un lagon bleu turquoise etait sympa. Arrive a Phuket Town, Goa a pris un bus public (les taxis etant encore hors de prix et les distances enormes) assez sympa vers une plage (Ao Kata Yai), plus au sud ouest et moins saturee que Patong, la plus celebre baie. Mais le probleme est que tout est construit face a la mer (on ne voit donc pas grand chose depuis la route), il y a plein de commerces et restaurants occidentaux et aussi pas mal de bars a prostituees (moins qu' a Samui dans cette plage mais trop quand meme). Tout y est plus cher et pas Thai du tout. La cote Ouest avait ete tres touchee par le Tsunami de 2004 et les immeubles sur la plage ont disparu, mais hormis les panneaux "evacuation if Tsunami", il ne reste rien d'apparent ici. Goa a donc appercu la plage remplie de touristes (il a beaucoup tarde a trouver un logement) et va quitter l'ile pour Ko Lanta par bateau (via Ko Phi Phi), belle ballade en perspective.
Goa did a short stop in Phuket after a scenic road across the jungle from Ranong. Phuket is really big and the arrival on a bridge over a blue lagoon is nice. From Phuket town Goa had a public bus that was quite fun (and again taxis are really abusive on the bill and distances are huge), he gained a beach (Ao Kata Yai) less saturated than the famous Patong. The problem is that many buildings hide the waterfront, it's full of western shops, restaurants and prostitute pubs despite there is less here than in Ko Samui. It's not really Thailand and too expensive also. The west coast was hardly hit by the 2004 Tsunami but they rebuilt eberything fastly and except the signs "evacuation if tsunami". there is no trace really visible here. Goa had a quick view on the overcrowded beach and had huge difficulties to find accomodation. So the next boat trip to KoLanta via Ko Phi Phi should be really nice!
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