Goa a passe une premiere soiree de pre Full Moon party tres sympas avec des Fire Shows, des jongleurs et de la musique, entoure de gens sympas. Ensuite la musique est devenue techno. C'est impressionnant la puissance des enceintes, Goa a pu changer de logement plusieurs fois car le 1er etait pres de la fete et vibrait avec la musique! Le 2e tres chouette en bord de mer mais eloigne (et les taxis sont scandaleusement chers la nuit), donc la derniere nuit Goa a pris un bungalow pres de la fete mais pas trop quand meme :). L'ile est jolie mais le temps instable du coup Goa a peu visite pour l'instant. Goa a ensuite fait la vraie soiree, assez dense mais pas surpeuplee. Sur la plage il y avait de la Techno et de la Transe avec pleins de gens dansant dessus, ceci dit Goa a trouve des bars qui passaient de la musique plus sympa (rock,. reggae) et s'y est bien plus amuse. Il n'a pas traine mais a entendu le lendemain matin le musique continuer. Entre nous la presoiree etait bien plus sympa... Goa n'a pas pu visiter le nord de l'ile, taxis trop chers, route dangereuse en moto et meteo moyenne...
Hi, Goa really enjoyed the 1st warm up for the Full Moon Party with Fire Shows and acrobats with nice people and a good music. Then the volume raised and the music became too Techno. It's impressive the power of the speakers there. Goa could change often accommodation because the1st one was too close and all the bungalow was moving with the music! The he took a cabin on the beach but bit far (and the taxi are abusively expensive here) so Goa moved again to a third place closer to the party but not below the speakers! The Island itself is nice but the weather unstable so he didn't visited so much yet. On the Beach there were many people dancing on Transe and techno rythms (very loud), but Goa had much more fun in some reaggea and rock pubs in the city. The wram up party was better than the real one
Goa, Goa didn't last toolong but there were still music the day after. Unfortunately because of expensive taxis, difficult access and bad weather, Goa didn't see the north of the island. Goa
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