Goa est reparti en Thailande sur une tres belle route au sud. C'est fou le contraste entre les deux pays, la Thailande est bien plus riche. Le Cambodge est un tres beau pays et ses habitants sont tres gentils, mais Goa a eprouve un certain malaise apres avoir realise certaines choses: il existe une corruption massive, Il y a un fosse enorme entre riches et pauvres, un individualisme grandissant et ils ravagent leurs forets. Ces ingredients ont connduit a la situation de 1975 et il est inquiet pour l'avenir de ce paradis perdu... On peut parler de "Syndrome Titanic" (N. Hulot). Les relations sont assez tendues entre la Thailande et le Cambodge, nous avons passe plusieurs points de controle et les visas par voie terrestre ont ete reduits a 15 jours, Goa va donc devoir passer en malaisie pour etendre son via ici. Il a gagne la grande ile tres montagneuse de Ko Chang. Arrive un peu tard il a mis un certain temps a trouver un Bungalow de bambou a Lonely Beach sur la cote Est. Cette ile est tres belle, helas le nord commence a etre envahi de logements pour touristes, mais le sud reste assez preserve. C'est assez comique car les managers de la guest house sont des travestis, phenomene assez courant ici. Goa a croise un groupe sympa: Novegiens, Canadien et Australienne avec qui il passe ses journees en bord de mer sous les palmiers! Goa
Hi, Goa took a beautiful road in the south to go back to Thailand. He was shocked to realize the huge gap between the 2 countries. Thailand is much richer. Cambodia is a really beautiful country with really nice inhabitants. But after few days, he feels strange when he realizes that behind the facade, there is a huge corruption, individualism, a huge gap between rich and poor people and that they destroy fastly the remaining forest... All these elements provoked the 1975 situation and Goa is worry for the future of this lost heaven. It's like the "Titanic synmptom" described by the ecologist (Nicolas Hulot). Relations are not good between the 2 neighboors, and we had to pass many check points. they also reduced the land visas to 15 days so Goa will have to renew the Thai visa (free) with a stop in Malaysia. In Thailand Goa gained the big mountains of Ko Chang Island and serached a bamboo bungalow for a while because the arrival was late. He stays in Lonely Beach and it's quite funny because the Guest House managers are Lady boays, quite common here! This island is still beautiful despite some new resorts in the north. Goa enjoyed sunbath and swim with a cool group: Norway, Australia, Canada and could recover from the former travels! Goa
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