Goa a pris beaucoup de retard dans ses posts. Il a visite une ferme de vers a soie a Hoi an et a du negocier ferme face a un hotel qui a voulu garder les passeports... ensuite vol depuis Danang, 3e ville du pays, lourdement bombardee pendant la guerre avec les Americains, mais plein de projets de residences immobilieres sont en cours et vont massacrer le littoral (il y a de belles vagues et des plages sympa). Apres un vol il a gagne Saigon (avec ses parents), premiere grosse surprise la ville est tres occidentalisee et moderne, avec des tours de bureaux en verre, de larges avenues boisees, parfois on dirait Paris! La ville est large et agreable je pense a vivre, mais moins typique que Hanoi. Il a visite la Cathedrale, la tres belle poste style colonial, le quartier de Cholon... et surtout le Palais de la Reunification, celebre dans le monde entier quand les Vietcongs du Nord, leVietnam etait alors divise en 2 pays (de 1954 a 1975). Les derniers pro-occidentaux et americains ont fuit depuis son toit en helicoptere. Le film de propagande "tres objectif" sur la guerre etait aussi amusant...
Hi, Goa is really late in his posts! He visited a silk farm in Hoi An and had to bargain hard to get back the passport in the hotel there!... then we came to Danang (3 city of Vietnam) that was heavily bombed during the US Vietnam War. There are many real estate projects that will waste a nice ocean coastline. We took a plane to Saigon, also named Ho Chi Minh City. Goa and his parents were really surpised to find here a really modern and western style city with huge glass skycrapers. The wide avenues with trees really look like Paris sometimes! The city seems to be comfortable for living but is much les authetic than Hanoi. After visiting the fabulous post, the Cathedral and Cholon district, we discovered a really famous historic place: The Reunification Palace. In 1975, the Vietcongs from the North (vietnam was splitted into 2 countries from 1954 to 1975) caught Saigon here. The photos with last US citizens and pro-americans southerne vietnameese tried to escape hopeless the northern troups. And the propaganda movie "Objectivity" from the communist Vietnameese point of view was quite funny to watch...
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