Goa a beacoup apprecie Chiang Rai, une ville pas tres belle mais ambiance beaucoup plus locale et sympa . Il a eu un tour d'un jour chez les diffrentes tribus (dont les femmes girafe Karen), et finalement le tour etait bien et pas trop tourisitique. Il etait avec 2 francais tres sympas. Il a ensuite vu le triangle d'or, frontiere commune entre la Thailande, le Laos et la Birmanie, propice au trafic d'opium par le passe. La vue et le tour de bateau sur le Mekong etaient tres sympas aussi et la ville historique de Chiang Sean assez jolie. Au retour il a joue de la guitare dans un bar reggae, vu une horloge etonnante a Chiang Rai. Ensuite Goa st arrive a Chiang Kong en bus assez roots. La ville etant sans interet majeur, il a traverse le Mekong et Gagne une nouvelle etape, le Laos a Huay Xai. Le poste frontiere est assez rustique, le responsable faisant la sieste sur le comptoir. Goa a 2 millions de kips! C'est l'equivalent de 200 euros. Enfin Goa a eu son visa sur place (25 euros) et part demain 2 jours en bateau lent sur le Mekong vers Luang Prabang. PS: les connections internet bsont lentes et cheres ici, donc Goa risque de donner moins de news pour les prochains jours... Goa
Goa really enjoyed Chiang Rai, not really nice but cool atmosphere. He made a trip to discover with 2 cool French the different tribes (including long Neck women of Karen) and the famous common border between Laos, Thailand and Burma, the Golden Triangle (also famous for the opium trade in the past). The View and the boat ride over the Mekong river were cool, including a break in Chiang Sen historic place. Back to chiang Rai he played guitar in a reggae pub and saw a stange clock tower that sings! Today, Goa arrived by a rustic bus to Chiang Kong, and chose to cross now the Mekong River to Laos. The customs office is quite funny and rustic, the manager was sleeping when he arrived but he got his visa (25 euros). Goa has 2 million kips, that represents 200 euros! Tomorrow He'll take the slow boat for 2 days to Luang Prabang. PS: due to a slow internet and expensvie fares, Goa will give few news the next days.... Goa
Goa really enjoyed Chiang Rai, not really nice but cool atmosphere. He made a trip to discover with 2 cool French the different tribes (including long Neck women of Karen) and the famous common border between Laos, Thailand and Burma, the Golden Triangle (also famous for the opium trade in the past). The View and the boat ride over the Mekong river were cool, including a break in Chiang Sen historic place. Back to chiang Rai he played guitar in a reggae pub and saw a stange clock tower that sings! Today, Goa arrived by a rustic bus to Chiang Kong, and chose to cross now the Mekong River to Laos. The customs office is quite funny and rustic, the manager was sleeping when he arrived but he got his visa (25 euros). Goa has 2 million kips, that represents 200 euros! Tomorrow He'll take the slow boat for 2 days to Luang Prabang. PS: due to a slow internet and expensvie fares, Goa will give few news the next days.... Goa
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